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Of or pertaining to the art of writing in any form or style, most especially published works.

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Literature > Fiction


Literature; Fiction

Slang (predominantly military): Someone out-of-date, behind the times, lacking current information. Uninformed, a little stupid, missing the obvious.


Literature; Fiction

Higher social stratum in Klarosian civil sector, reserved for shareholders, propertyholders, or entrepreneurs of sufficient wealth to maintain a certain level of income without ...


Literature; Fiction

A team game played on an enclosed field using maglev platforms and two types of ball. It's fast-moving, very physical, and it was immensely popular on Klaros II. It was heavily ...

Penitent's Vigil

Literature; Fiction

Ritual of confession and forgiveness in the Klarosian Church.


Literature; Fiction

slang: A "pensioner," a lay member of the Church sector of Klarosian society who receives a nominal 'pension' for fulfilling unskilled and/or menial functions in the social ...


Literature; Fiction

The highest level of the Church hierarchy, both Junior and Senior Prelates of all degrees must be celibate, although they may have been married prior to their elevation, and ...


Literature; Fiction

Slang (predominantly military): Feces