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Of or pertaining to the art of writing in any form or style, most especially published works.

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Literature > Poetry


Literature; Poetry

One of a group of words with identical spellings but different meanings and pronunciations.


Literature; Poetry

A line of verse consisting of six metrical feet; the term, however, is usually used for dactylic hexameter, consisting of dactyls and spondees, the meter in which the Greek and ...

heterometric composition

Literature; Poetry

a poem written in meter but with lines of differing length, e.g. one line of tetrameter, one of pentameter, one of dimeter etc.

heroic verse

Literature; Poetry

So named because it is the form in which epic poetry of heroic exploits is generally written, its rhyme scheme is abab, composed in ten-syllable iambic verse in English, hexameter ...

heroic quatrain

Literature; Poetry

So named because it is the form in which epic poetry of heroic exploits is generally written, its rhyme scheme is abab, composed in ten-syllable iambic verse in English, hexameter ...

heroic couplet

Literature; Poetry

Two successive lines of rhymed poetry in iambic pentameter, so called for its use in the composition of epic poetry in the 17th and 18th centuries. In neo-classical usage the two ...


Literature; Poetry

A line of verse consisting of seven metrical feet. It is also called a septenarius, especially in Latin prosody.