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Of or pertaining to the art of writing in any form or style, most especially published works.

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Literature > Poetry


Literature; Poetry

A poem with a refrain repeated frequently or at fixed intervals, as in a rondel.


Literature; Poetry

A Finnish or Old Norse poem.


Literature; Poetry

A short variation of the rondeau consisting generally of one 7-line stanza with two rhymes. The first line has four syllables and is repeated as a refrain forming the third and ...


Literature; Poetry

A variation of the rondeau in which the first two lines of the first stanza are repeated as the last two lines of the second and third stanzas, thus a rhyme scheme of ABba abAB ...


Literature; Poetry

A fixed form used mostly in light or witty verse, usually consisting of fifteen octo - or decasyllabic lines in three stanzas, with only two rhymes used throughout. A word or ...

riding rhyme

Literature; Poetry

An early form of heroic verse, so named for its use by Chaucer to describe the riding of the pilgrims in The Canterbury Tales.


Literature; Poetry

Formerly a medieval tale in mixed prose and verse describing marvelous adventures of a hero of chivalry, it later came to mean a short lyric poem.