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Of or pertaining to the art of writing in any form or style, most especially published works.

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Literature > Poetry

polyrhythmic verse

Literature; Poetry

A type of free verse characterized by a variety of rhythms, often non-integrated or contrasting.

polyphonic prose

Literature; Poetry

A type of free verse using characteristic devices of verse such as alliteration and assonance, but presented in a form resembling prose.

poets' corner

Literature; Poetry

A portion of the South Transept of Westminster Abbey, which contains the remains of many famous literary figures, including Chaucer and Spenser, and also displays memorials to ...


Literature; Poetry

Literary study or criticism on the nature and laws of poetic theory and practice; also, a treatise on poetry or aesthetics.


Literature; Poetry

A dabbler in poetry; a poetaster.

poet laureate

Literature; Poetry

A poet honored for his artistic achievement or selected as most representative of his country or area; in England, a court official appointed by the sovereign, whose original ...


Literature; Poetry

A literary expression in which language is used in a concentrated blend of sound and imagery to create an emotional response; essentially rhythmic, it is usually metrical and ...