Contributors in Maritime
Maritime > Ocean shipping
Maritime; Ocean shipping
A person or firm that establishes a connection between a buyer and a seller. Brokers operate in many fields: insurance, steamship transport, securities, drafts, and other phases ...
Maritime; Ocean shipping
Percentage of freight payable to broker (by owners in c/p's) or applicable to sale or purchase.
Maritime; Ocean shipping
Used loosely to refer to the navigating section of the vessel where the wheel house and chart room are located; erected structure amidships or aft or very rarely fore over the ...
breakbulk vessel
Maritime; Ocean shipping
(1) a vessel designed to handle palletized, pre-slung, boxed, and unitized cargo. Holds can be at the open bay or between deck type. Between deck means, the hold can be converted ...
breakbulk cargo
Maritime; Ocean shipping
Cargo which is shipped as a unit (e.g., palletized cargo, boxed cargo, large machinery, trucks, and pre-slung cargo)
automated commercial system (ACS)
Maritime; Ocean shipping
The electronic system of the u. S. Customs service, encompassing a variety of industry sectors, that permits on-line access to information in selected areas.
- Ocean shipping (5787)