Contributors in Maritime
Maritime > Ocean shipping 
Transportation; Ocean shipping
A barge equipped with tracks on which up to approximately 12 railroad cars are moved in harbors or inland waterways.
Transportation; Ocean shipping
Determination of the dutiable value of imported merchandise by a Customs official who follows procedures outlined in their country’s tariff, such as the U. S. Tariff Act of ...
apparent good order
Transportation; Ocean shipping
When freight appears to be free of damage so far as a general survey can determine.
anti–dumping duty
Transportation; Ocean shipping
A tariff imposed to discourage sale of foreign goods, subsidized to sell at low prices detrimental to local manufacturers.
any quantity (AQ)
Transportation; Ocean shipping
Refers to a rating that applies to an article regardless of size or quantity.
ambient temperature
Transportation; Ocean shipping
The temperature of a surrounding body. The ambient temperature of a container is the atmospheric temperature to which it is exposed.

- Ocean shipping (5787)