Contributors in Maritime
Maritime > Ocean shipping 
Maritime; Ocean shipping
A backward direction in the line of a vessel's fore and aft line; behind. If a vessel moves backwards it is said to move astern; opposite to ahead.
at sea
Maritime; Ocean shipping
In marine insurance this phrase applies to a ship which is free from its moorings and ready to sail.
Carriage of Goods by Sea Act
Maritime; Ocean shipping
A law enacted in 1936 covering the transportation of merchandise by sea to or from ports of the united states and in foreign trades.
Maritime; Ocean shipping
Any person who, through a contract of carriage, undertakes to perform or procure the performance of carriage by rail, road, sea, air, inland waterway, or by a combination of ...
Maritime; Ocean shipping
Cargo shipped in loose condition and of a homogeneous nature. Cargoes that are shipped unpackaged either dry, such as grain and ore, or liquid, such as petroleum products. Bulk ...
Cost, insurance and freight (C.I.F.)
Maritime; Ocean shipping
Export term in which the price quoted by the exporter includes the costs of ocean transportation to the port of destination and insurance coverage.
Maritime; Ocean shipping
A floating object employed as an aid to mariners to mark the navigable limits of channels, their fairways, sunken dangers, isolated rocks, telegraph cables, and the like; floating ...

- Ocean shipping (5787)