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Meat products

Any kind of animal flesh that is eaten or sold as a marketable product.

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Meat products > Lamb

adjusted 100-day weight

Meat products; Lamb

This weight is the 50–day adjusted weight plus the postweaning 50-day weight gain (postweaning ADG x 50).

adjusted 50-day weight

Meat products; Lamb

This weight is calculated from an actual weight taken between 35 and 65 days of age. All lamb weights are then adjusted to the equivalent of a 50–day old ram lamb raised as a ...

additive genes effects

Meat products; Lamb

Members of a gene pair that have the ability to be expressed equally are additive genes. The gene pair is expressed as the sum of the individual effects of the genes in the pair.

across breed comparison (ABC)

Meat products; Lamb

An estimate of genetic merit. It indicates the expected difference between the performance of progeny of an individual ram and the average of all rams tested regardless of breed.


Meat products; Lamb

A measure of how good and close a calculated estimate of an animal’s genetic value is compared to the unknown true genetic value.


Meat products; Lamb

A group of sheep (or goats). All the sheep on a property (in Australian Wool Classing); also all the sheep in a region or country.


Meat products; Lamb

The process of giving birth in sheep. Also the work of tending lambing ewes (shepherds are said to lamb their flocks).
