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Meat products

Any kind of animal flesh that is eaten or sold as a marketable product.

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Meat products > Lamb

scabby mouth, contagious ecthyma

Meat products; Lamb

A highly contagious viral disease of sheep (and goats) attacking damaged skin areas around the mouth and causing sores, usually affecting lambs in their first year of life.

plain bodied

Meat products; Lamb

A sheep that has relatively few body wrinkles.


Meat products; Lamb

The wool covering of a sheep.


Meat products; Lamb

A female sheep capable of producing lambs. In areas where "gimmer" or similar terms are used for young females, may refer to a female only after her first lamb.

ear tag

Meat products; Lamb

The plastic or metal tag clipped to ear, with identification number, name or electronic chip.


Meat products; Lamb

A distinctive mark clipped out of the ear (or sometimes a tattoo inside the ear) to denote ownership and/or age.

dry sheep equivalent (DSE)

Meat products; Lamb

A standard unit frequently used to compare the carrying capacity of land, based on the number of Merino sheep it can support.
