Contributors in Military
Military > Arms control 
active mission for the United States
Military; Arms control
When the United States is the observing State Party on an Open Skies mission over the territory of another State Party to the Treaty on Open Skies. The mission may be flown in the ...
active overflight system (AOS)
Military; Arms control
Mission planning computer system used in conjunction with the Transportable Operational Planning System for planning Treaty on Open Skies missions.
active quota
Military; Arms control
Under the Open Skies Treaty, the number of observation flights one State Party can conduct as the observing Party against the observed Party. A Party’s active quota may not exceed ...
advance team
Military; Arms control
A small number of arms control implementation specialists, including arms control security experts, under the auspices of the Lead Agency or Service component who deploy to a ...
affected site list (ASL)
Military; Arms control
List composed of organizations desiring to receive notifications only when their facility, programs, or operations could be impacted by an Open Skies observation mission.
after-action report (AAR)
Military; Arms control
Organized analysis of an exercise or activity. Includes summaries of information shared and lessons learned. May also occur after an inspection.
Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI)
Military; Arms control
Air Force office which seeks to identify, investigate, and neutralize espionage, terrorism, fraud, and other major criminal activities which may threaten Air Force and Department ...

- Air force (1975)
- Arms control (7282)
- Cold war (701)
- Firearms (454)
- General military (16511)
- Missile defense (60054)
- Navy (422)
- Peace keeping (16692)
- Terrorism (3500)
- Vietnam War (15641)
- Weapons (2237)
- World War II (7202)