Contributors in Military
Military > Weapons 

Heckler & Koch MP5
Military; Weapons
A 9mm submachine gun of German design, developed in the 1960s by a team of engineers from the German small arms manufacturer Heckler & Koch GmbH (H&K) of Oberndorf in Neckar. ...
Heckler & Koch G3
Military; Weapons
A 7.62mm battle rifle developed in the 1950s by the German armament manufacturer Heckler & Koch GmbH (H&K) in collaboration with the Spanish state-owned design and development ...
Heckler & Koch G36
Military; Weapons
A 5.56×45mm assault rifle, designed in the early 1990s by Heckler & Koch (H&K) in Germany as a replacement for the 7.62mm G3 battle rifle. It was accepted into service with the ...
small arms
Military; Weapons
Firearms that are light and easy to carry, designed to be held in one or both hands while being fired.
weapon of mass destruction
Military; Weapons
A weapon that is designed to kill and bring significant harm to a large number of humans and/or cause great damage to man-made structures.

- Air force (1975)
- Arms control (7282)
- Cold war (701)
- Firearms (454)
- General military (16511)
- Missile defense (60054)
- Navy (422)
- Peace keeping (16692)
- Terrorism (3500)
- Vietnam War (15641)
- Weapons (2237)
- World War II (7202)