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Natural environment
Related to any physical feature of the earth's natural environment.
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Natural environment > Climate 
steppe climate
Natural environment; Climate
Climates at the upper end of the 'dry climate' classification (within the Köppen climate classification) in terms of precipitation are steppe climates.
mesothermal climate
Natural environment; Climate
Areas with coldest month average temperatures between -3°C and 18°C, and warmest month temperatures above 10°C qualify as having a temperate climate.
temperate climate
Natural environment; Climate
Areas with coldest month average temperatures between -3°C and 18°C, and warmest month temperatures above 10°C qualify as having a temperate climate.
mediterranean climate
Natural environment; Climate
These areas have hot, dry summers and unpredictable, rainy winters.
dry-summer subtropical
Natural environment; Climate
These areas have hot, dry summers and unpredictable, rainy winters.
humid subtropical climate
Natural environment; Climate
A climate normally occurring in the interiors or east coasts of continents, usually with humid summers and dry winters.
maritime temperate climates
Natural environment; Climate
Climates influenced by nearby polar fronts, often with overcast and cool summers, but moderate winters.

- Air (43)
- Atmosphere (59)
- Climate (1147)
- Climate change (10457)
- Coral reefs (23903)
- Deserts (738)
- Earthquake (7143)
- Flood (34)
- Forests (37)
- Grassland (35)
- Land mass (144)
- Landslide (66)
- Mountains (203)
- Plateau (39)
- Speleology (1857)
- Volcano (5852)
- Water (18527)