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Natural environment

Related to any physical feature of the earth's natural environment.

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Natural environment > Volcano


Natural environment; Volcano

A descriptive term applied to igneous rocks (basalt and gabbro) with silica (SiO2) between 44% and 52%.


Natural environment; Volcano

The unstable, newly-formed front of a lava delta.


Natural environment; Volcano

A swelling of the crust of a lava flow formed by the puffing-up of gas or vapor beneath the flow. Blisters are about 1 meter in diameter and hollow.


Natural environment; Volcano

Angular chunk of solid rock ejected during an eruption.


Natural environment; Volcano

Fragment of molten or semi-molten rock, 2 1/2 inches to many feet in diameter, which is blown out during an eruption. Because of their plastic condition, bombs are often modified ...


Natural environment; Volcano

The Spanish word for cauldron, a basin-shaped volcanic depression; by definition, at least a mile in diameter. Such large depressions are typically formed by the subsidence of ...

capping stage

Natural environment; Volcano

Refers to a stage in the evolution of a typical Hawaiian volcano during which alkalic, basalt, and related rocks build a steeply, sloping cap on the main shield of the volcano. ...
