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Oil & gas

Terms concerning oil and gas as a fossil fuel and natural resource.

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Oil & gas > Drilling


Oil & gas; Drilling

The flow of fluid across the bottom of the bit after it exits the bit nozzles, strikes the bottom or sides of the hole and turns upwards to the annulus. Modern, well-designed bits ...

crown block

Oil & gas; Drilling

The fixed set of pulleys (called sheaves) located at the top of the derrick or mast, over which the drilling line is threaded. The companion blocks to these pulleys are the ...


Oil & gas; Drilling

The fineness to which cement is ground. Grind also may refer to a specific production of cement, such as the lot number.

jet velocity

Oil & gas; Drilling

The exit velocity of the drilling fluid after it accelerates through bit nozzles.

pressure hunt

Oil & gas; Drilling

The evaluation of various well parameters in an attempt to identify when the pore pressure in a drilling well is changing. A team consisting of geologists, engineers and most of ...


Oil & gas; Drilling

The evaluation of physical properties, usually including pressure, temperature and wellbore trajectory in three-dimensional space, while extending a wellbore. MWD is now standard ...

activity of aqueous solutions

Oil & gas; Drilling

The escaping tendency, or vapor pressure, of water molecules in an aqueous solution compared with that of pure water, typically abbreviated a w . Activity is expressed ...