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Oil & gas

Terms concerning oil and gas as a fossil fuel and natural resource.

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Oil & gas > Drilling


Oil & gas; Drilling

Relating to a formation or interval containing gas, either dissolved in the formation fluid or as free gas. The term is occasionally used to describe wellbore fluids containing ...


Oil & gas; Drilling

Related to any aspect of logging that employs an electrical cable to lower tools into the borehole and to transmit data. Wireline logging is distinct from measurements-while-drilli ...


Oil & gas; Drilling

Related to a wireline log of formation resistivity based on the principle of inducing alternating current loops in the formation and measuring the resultant signal in a receiver. ...

water loss

Oil & gas; Drilling

Referring to the volume of liquid measured in the filtration tests performed according to API specifications, in units of cm 3 /30 minutes. Although applied to water mud, in which ...


Oil & gas; Drilling

Referring to the varying degrees of inability to move or remove the drillstring from the wellbore. At one extreme, it might be possible to rotate the pipe or lower it back into ...


Oil & gas; Drilling

Referring to the flow of two immiscible fluids, oil and water, oil and gas, or gas and water.


Oil & gas; Drilling

Referring to the description of different regimes for the simultaneous flow of gas and liquid in vertical pipes introduced by Y. Taitel and A. Dukler in 1980. The results are ...