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PR & event management
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self-cleaning of water in a reservoir
Biology; Toxicology
Water purification by natural biological and physico-chemical processes.
blood serum
Biology; Toxicology
Watery proteinaceous portion of the blood that remains after clotting.
risk phrases
Biology; Toxicology
Word groups identifying potential health or environmental hazards required under CPL Directives (European Community); may be incorporated into Safety Data Sheets.
risk quotient
Biology; Toxicology
Ratio of predicted exposure concentration to predicted no effect concentration.
toxicity exposure ratio (TER)
Biology; Toxicology
Ratio of the measure of the effects (e.g., LD50, LC50, NOEC) to the estimated exposure. Note: It is the reciprocal of a risk quotient or hazard quotient.
standardized mortality ratio (SMR)
Biology; Toxicology
Ratio of the number of deaths observed in the study group or population to the number of deaths that would be expected if the study population had the same specific rates as the ...
surgical instruments inspector
Professional careers; Occupational titles
A professional who inspects surgical instruments, such as needles, needle holders, bandage scissors, forceps, and scalpels, for defects in finish and adherence to standards. * ...