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Relating to the process of raising a child from infancy to adulthood.

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Parenting > Pregnancy

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Parenting; Pregnancy

When the baby's head is bent backwards during birth, instead of with the chin resting on the chest, as is typical.


Parenting; Pregnancy

When the body loses more fluid than it takes in.

unripe cervix

Parenting; Pregnancy

When the cervix is not ready for delivery. Usually, as the end of pregnancy approaches, the cervix moves forward in the pelvis and begin to soften. If the cervix does not soften ...


Parenting; Pregnancy

When the baby breastfeeds.

diastolic blood pressure

Parenting; Pregnancy

When taking blood pressure, it is the lower number, representing the amount of pressure when the heart is relaxed.

meconium aspiration

Parenting; Pregnancy

When meconium is present in the amniotic fluid during delivery and the newborn breathes it in, the meconium can irritate and possibly damage the airways. The mouth and nose are ...

failure to progress

Parenting; Pregnancy

When labor has stopped due to weak contractions or cephalopelvic disproportion.