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cultural turn
Language; Translation
A metaphor that has been adopted by cultural studies oriented translation theorists to refer to the analysis of translation in its cultural, political and ideological context.
Language; Translation
A philosophical theory, centered in the work of Jacques Derrida and allied to poststructuralism and postmodernism, which interrogates language, discovers the multiple ...
Language; Translation
Covers the decontextualized, dictionary meaning of a given lexical item.
descriptive translation
Language; Translation
In relevance theory, this is the use of language normally as true or false of a given state of affairs. In translation, this mode amounts to a ‘free’ translation.
direct translation
Language; Translation
In Vinay and Darbelnet’s taxonomy, it is a translation method that encompasses calque, borrowing and literal translation. In relevance theory, direct translation is a kind of ...
Language; Translation
Modes of speaking and writing which involve participants in adopting a particular attitude towards areas of socio-cultural activity (e.g. racist discourse, bureaucratese, etc.).