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retracted flagellum
Biology; Parasitology
A flagellum that at some stage in the life cycle of an organism extends beyond to body membrane but rests within the confines of the body of the organism in the cyst stage or in a ...
rhabditoid juvenile
Biology; Parasitology
The first, feeding- ' stage of a juvenile nematode that emerges from the egg in which the esophagus is functional, is usually muscular, and has an enlarged, bulbous posterior end.
Biology; Parasitology
In flagellates fibril arising from a blepharoplast and running through the cytoplasm .
Biology; Parasitology
The somewhat protuberant apical portion of the scolex of certain tapeworms, frequently bearing hooklets (a circlet of hooklets in Taenia solium, 7 transverse rows in Dipylidium ...
Biology; Parasitology
Tropical grasslands found in Africa, South America, West India, and North Australia. Areas support greatest abundance of hoofed mammals. Often used for range land for domestic ...
Biology; Parasitology
The immature stage of schistosomes (blood flukes) from the time of entry into the definitive host until the fluke reaches sexual maturity (see Metacercaria).