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Any of various photosynthetic, eukaryotic, multicellular organisms of the kingdom Plantae characteristically producing embryos, containing chloroplasts, having cellulose cell walls, and lacking the power of locomotion.

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Plants > Horticulture


Plants; Horticulture

A form of transplantation usually involving little root disturbance.


Plants; Horticulture

A strap shaped organ; a minute projection from the top of the leaf sheath in grasses; the strap shaped corolla in the ray flower of Composites.


Plants; Horticulture

Epithet meaning flowers like a lily; with big white trumpets.

limy soil

Plants; Horticulture

A soil with traces of calcium/lime.

liquid manure

Plants; Horticulture

A fertilizer made by running water through or into solid manure


Plants; Horticulture

The textural class name for soil having a moderate amount of sand, silt, and clay. Loam soils contain 7% to 27% clay, 28% to 50% silt, and less than 52% sand.


Plants; Horticulture

Having a slight metallic gloss, less reflective than glossy.
