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Any of various photosynthetic, eukaryotic, multicellular organisms of the kingdom Plantae characteristically producing embryos, containing chloroplasts, having cellulose cell walls, and lacking the power of locomotion.

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Plants > Horticulture


Plants; Horticulture

An area distinguished by a range of annual average minimum temperatures, used in describing plant hardiness. Regions that share similar climatic and rainfall conditions producing ...

autotrophic bacteria

Plants; Horticulture

A category of soil bacteria that obtain their energy from the oxidation of mineral constituents, such as ammonium, sulfur, and iron and obtain most of their carbon from carbon ...

available nutrient in soil/media

Plants; Horticulture

The part of the supply of a plant nutrient in the soil that can be taken up by plants at rates and in amounts significant to plant growth.

available water capacity (awc)

Plants; Horticulture

The percent volume (volume/volume) of soil/growing media occupied by water that is available to the plant. It is calculated by determining the container capacity, then ...

available water in soil/media

Plants; Horticulture

The part of the water in the soil that can be taken up by plants at rates significant to their growth; usable; obtainable.


Plants; Horticulture

An organic growing media component made from sugar cane fiber.

banded fertilizer

Plants; Horticulture

Placement of fertilizer in a concentrated zone either on or below the soil surface. Concentrated zones or bands of fertilizer tend to minimize fixation of added nutrients by the ...
