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Political systems

The organisation and interaction of the members that make up the governing power of a social community or state.

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Political systems > Slavery


Political systems; Slavery

Christian group, founded by John Wesley and his brother when they broke away from the Church of England and built the first Methodist chapel in Bristol in 1739

middle passage

Political systems; Slavery

The second stage in the transatlantic slave trade, on which ships carried enslaved Africans from Africa to either the Caribbean islands or the Americas (see also Triangular trade)


Political systems; Slavery

To move from one place and settle in another, especially abroad.


Political systems; Slavery

Derived from the Latin words miscere (to mix) and genus (race). Southern lawmakers passed laws making it illegal for blacks and whites to marry. These legal restrictions were ...


Political systems; Slavery

Person sent to educate others about a religious faith.

Mississippi Plan

Political systems; Slavery

Also known as the "shotgun policy." White Democrats living in that state in 1875 planned to use as much force as necessary to win state elections that year. Some of their violent ...

Missouri Compromise

Political systems; Slavery

A legal measure of the U.S. Congress designed to maintain the equal parity of free state and slave state representation in the U.S. Senate. The measure allowed Maine to join the ...