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1) Social relations involving authority or power. 2) The art or science of governing.

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Politics > Political Science

open society

Politics; Political Science

A society, such as the U.S. and most European countries, in which individuals have freedom of movement and there are no restrictions on travel to and from other countries; public ...


Politics; Political Science

In politics, the practice of adapting one's actions to gain any short-term personal advantage that may be available, but without regard for principle or long-term consequences.


Politics; Political Science

The party or parties in a legislative body that are against the party or parties that control the legislature.


Politics; Political Science

Severity, especially when practiced by a government that puts too heavy burden upon its citizens, in terms of taxes or unjust laws.

Organization of African Unity (OAU)

Politics; Political Science

Membership consists of independent African states. OAU works to promote solidarity amongst members, improve the quality of life in Africa. Headquarters is in Addis Ababa, ...

Organization of American States (OAS)

Politics; Political Science

Created in 1948 to defend the sovereignty of the nations of South and North America; OAS also is involved in the settlement of disputes and promotion of economic and cultural ...

Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)

Politics; Political Science

An international, intergovernmental organization with 33 member countries; promotes policies designed to achieve the rapid economic growth, employment, and standard of living in ...