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1) Social relations involving authority or power. 2) The art or science of governing.

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Politics > Political Science


Politics; Political Science

The formal adoption of a treaty by a state, by a vote of its legislators. For example, the GATT treaty had to be ratified by the Senate before it became binding on the U.S. The ...


Politics; Political Science

The control by a government of the right to purchase essential goods, when those goods are scarce. Usually used as a wartime measure to ensure that everyone has at least a minimum ...

raw materials

Politics; Political Science

Materials in their natural state that are used in manufacturing to create something else. Raw materials become of political importance when their supply is obstructed or ...


Politics; Political Science

Resisting progress; wanting to go back to the old ways of doing things, even if those ways are no longer appropriate. Usually used in a derogatory sense. People rarely describe ...

Reagan Doctrine

Politics; Political Science

The name given to a policy pursued by President Ronald Reagan, of American support for anti-communist revolutions. Reagan announced in his state of the Union address in 1985, "We ...


Politics; Political Science

That which deals with the facts, with things as they are, not with idealistic notions of what they might or should be. Practical rather than visionary or imaginative. In politics, ...


Politics; Political Science

German term now used in English that means politics based on strictly practical rather than theoretical or idealistic notions, and practiced with a hard or cynical edge, without ...