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1) Social relations involving authority or power. 2) The art or science of governing.

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Politics > Political Science

pressure group

Politics; Political Science

The same as interest group: an organized lobby, not directly affiliated with a political party, that puts pressure on elected officials to further the interests of its members. ...


Politics; Political Science

Renown or reputation based on excellence of achievement, as in Nelson Mandela's prestige results from his lifelong dedication to justice in South Africa.

price controls

Politics; Political Science

Government control of prices to keep the cost of living down. It most usually happens in time of war, but there also instances in peacetime: in 1971 in the U.S. all prices were ...

primary elections

Politics; Political Science

Elections held to nominate a candidate for a particular party at a forthcoming election for public office. Voters may only vote in the primary held by their own party (except in ...

prime minister

Politics; Political Science

The leader of the government and head of the cabinet in parliamentary systems. The prime minister is also the leader of his political party.

prior restraint

Politics; Political Science

The power to prevent publication of something, or to require approval of it before publication. In most cases, prior constraint is unconstitutional, prohibited under the First ...


Politics; Political Science

The U.S. constitution guarantees the right to privacy, and the Privacy Act of 1974 contains measures that safeguard the individual against government misuse of personal ...