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The branch of medicine that deals with the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of mental and emotional disorders.
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Psychiatry > Phobias 
Psychiatry; Phobias
Xanthophobia is a fear of the colour yellow. This fear may include the sun, daffodils, yellow paint, and the Yellow Pages.
Psychiatry; Phobias
Xylophobia, also known as Hylophobia or Ylophobia, is a psychological disorder defined by an irrational fear of wood, forest or trees.
Psychiatry; Phobias
Agraphobia (also contreltophobia) is the abnormal fear of sexual abuse. The condition is common but not widely known.
Psychiatry; Phobias
Aichmophobia is a kind of specific phobia, the morbid fear of sharp things, such as pencils, needles, knives, a pointing finger, or even the sharp end of an umbrella.
Psychiatry; Phobias
Algophobia is a phobia of pain - an abnormal and persistent fear of pain that is far more powerful than that of a normal person.
Psychiatry; Phobias
Agyrophobia (or Dromophobia[1]) is a case of specific phobia, the irrational fear that crossing roads will cause bodily harm to oneself, even if no actual threat is posed.

- Addiction (26)
- Mental disorder (398)
- Phobias (3906)