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The science that deals with the mental and behaviourial characteristics of an individual, community or society.

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Psychology > Behavior analysis

operant chamber

Psychology; Behavior analysis

A laboratory device used to investigate operant conditioning. An operant chamber for a rat is a small, enclosed box that typically contains a lever with a light above it and a ...


Psychology; Behavior analysis

A higher-order discriminated operant characterized by relations among different stimuli, responses, and/or consequences occurring across trials and/or conditions, rather than by ...

percent graph

Psychology; Behavior analysis

A graph of the percent of correct responses, percent of opportunities taken, percent of times that a response occurred out of the times checked, and so on. Percent graphs do not ...

rate graph

Psychology; Behavior analysis

A graph of rate, that is, of the number of responses per unit of time, such as problems correct per minute, number of sentences spoken per hour, or the number of cigarettes smoked ...

simple frequency graph

Psychology; Behavior analysis

A graph in which each data point indicates the number of times a behavior occurred at a particular time.

stimulus-generalization gradient

Psychology; Behavior analysis

A gradient of responding showing a decrease of stimulus control as the test stimulus becomes less similar to the training stimulus.

rostdiscrimination gradient

Psychology; Behavior analysis

A gradient obtained after a discrimination between one stimulus correlated with reinforcement and another correlated with extinction (occasionally, between two stimuli correlated ...