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The science that deals with the mental and behaviourial characteristics of an individual, community or society.

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Psychology > General psychology

general adaption syndrome (GAS)

Psychology; General psychology

The pattern of nonspecific adaptational physiological mechanisms that occurs in response to continuing threat by almost any serious stressor.


Psychology; General psychology

The pattern of specific and nonspecific responses an organism makes to stimulus events that disturb its equilibrium and tax or exceed its ability to cope.

Non-REM (NREM) sleep

Psychology; General psychology

The period during which a sleeper does not show rapid eye movement; characterized by less dream activity than REM sleep.

refractory period

Psychology; General psychology

The period of rest during which a new nerve impulse cannot be activated in a segment of an axon.


Psychology; General psychology

The perspective on mind and behavior that focuses on the examination of their functions in an organism's interactions with the environment.

cognitive perspective

Psychology; General psychology

The perspective on psychology that stresses human thought and the processes of knowing, such as attending, thinking, remembering, expecting, solving problems, fantasizing, and ...

transfer-appropriate processing

Psychology; General psychology

The perspective that suggests that memory is best when the type of processing carried out at encoding matches the processes carried out at retrieval.