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The means of conveyance of passengers and goods by way of wheeled vehicles running on rail tracks.

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Railways > Railroad

trailing crossover

Railways; Railroad

A crossover that requires trains to reverse in order to transfer to the other line.


Railways; Railroad

A piece of track feeding a number of sidings that permits the sidings to be shunted without blocking the main line.

trailing point

Railways; Railroad

A switch in which points face away from the normal direction of traffic. A trailing point move would pass over the frog and then the switch points.

heel block (switch)

Railways; Railroad

A block which spans joints and fills the space between adjacent rails at the heel of a switch, joined with outside splice bars by continuous bolts to form a unit joint. Also ...


Railways; Railroad

A locomotive with or without cars and displaying markers.

heel length

Railways; Railroad

Disering freight at the house. Distance between the heel end and half-inch point of a frog, measured along gage lines.

train turntable

Railways; Railroad

A turntable big enough to turn complete trains. Used only in fiddle yards.