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The means of conveyance of passengers and goods by way of wheeled vehicles running on rail tracks.

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Railways > Railroad

ballast tamping

Railways; Railroad

Compacting ballast under crossties to maintain the line and surface of track.


Railways; Railroad

The plate upon which flatbottom rail is laid in order to be fastened down. Usually referred to in modelling terms as "chairs".

relayer rail

Railways; Railroad

See "Rail, relayer."


Railways; Railroad

Deformation of the surface of the railhead usually close to the end of the rail.

batter pile

Railways; Railroad

A support pile driven in an inclined position to resist forces which act in other than a vertical direction. When located in a stream, river or other waterway, it sometimes ...

repair or rip track

Railways; Railroad

One of the body tracks in a car repair yard or shed, on which repairs are made to rolling stock.

bay platform

Railways; Railroad

A shorter terminating platform road set into the side of a larger platform.