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Refers to any set of beliefs of any community or nation, concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of life and the universe, especially when considered as the creation of a supernatural or divine agency.

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Religion > Christianity


Religion; Christianity

(Greek katachesis, "instruction). One who is being instructed in the basics of Christian doctrine, usually in preparation for confirmation or baptism.


Religion; Christianity

(Gk. ) Term coined by Rudolf Bultmann to indicate the essential message (or gospel) of the New Testament church.

ecumenical council

Religion; Christianity

A council of the Christian church at which representatives from several regions are present. To be distinguished from a "synod," which is a meeting of the local church.


Religion; Christianity

A penalty imposed by the Catholic Church prohibiting a person from receiving or administering sacraments or holding church office.

sola scriptura

Religion; Christianity

(Latin, "scripture alone"). Martin Luther's doctrine that Scripture is the only authority for Christians (i.e., church tradition and papal doctrine are unnecessary and inferior to ...

sola fide

Religion; Christianity

(Latin, "faith alone"). Martin Luther's doctrine that faith is all that is necessary for salvation.


Religion; Christianity

(Greek "to seem"). The belief that Christ only appeared to have a human body. Associated with Gnosticism and based on the dualistic belief that matter is evil and only spirit is ...