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Refers to any set of beliefs of any community or nation, concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of life and the universe, especially when considered as the creation of a supernatural or divine agency.

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Religion > Judaism


Religion; Judaism

Judaism has always accepted divorce as a fact of life, albeit an unfortunate one, and permits divorce for any reason, but discourages divorce. See also Marriage.


Religion; Judaism

Any place outside of the land of Israel where Jews live. Refers to the fact that Jews were dispersed from the land of Israel by the Romans after the last Jewish War. The ...


Religion; Judaism

A rule postponing the date of the new year when calculating the Jewish Calendar. There are four dechiyot, but some are more commonly applied than others. See The Jewish Calendar: ...


Religion; Judaism

In Judaism, death is not a tragedy, even when it occurs early in life or through unfortunate circumstances. Death is a natural process.

Days of Awe

Religion; Judaism

Ten days from Rosh Hashanah to Yom Kippur, a time for introspection and considering the sins of the previous year.


Religion; Judaism

Yiddish: Pray. Observant Jews daven three times a day, in addition to reciting blessings over many common activities. See Prayers and Blessings; Jewish Liturgy; Common Prayers and ...


Religion; Judaism

Orthodox Jews in Israel.