Contributors in Science
Science > Basic science 
Science; Basic science
This is Fahrenheit scale of temperature, in which the freezing point of water is set at 32 degrees and the boiling point of water is set at 212 degrees.
bone marrow
Science; Basic science
The soft,sponge like material that fills the center of the bones of mammals. Most blood cells form in the bone marrow.
boiling point
Science; Basic science
The temperature at which a liquid changes to a gas or vapour.The vapours moving out of the liquid create so much pressure that they form bubbles.
Science; Basic science
An attraction between atoms that holds them together in a molecule or crystal.Bonds are formed when one or more electrons are shared between atoms.
Science; Basic science
The point in the orbit of an object in space, such as the Moon, where it is farthest from the object it revolves around, such as Earth.
alpha particles
Science; Basic science
A particle of matter that is made of two protons and two neutrons. Alpha particles shoot out of nucleus of some radio-active element when they break down into smaller elements ...
Science; Basic science
An instrument that measures an object's height above sea level. Pilots use altimeter to know how high their airplanes are.

- Acoustics (1199)
- Basic science (4082)
- General science (120567)