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Science > General science


Science; General science

A chemical element, symbol Am, atomic number 95. The isotope 241 Am is an alpha emitter with a half-life of 433 years. Other isotopes of americium range in mass from 232 to 247, ...


Science; General science

A chemical element, symbol As, atomic number 33. Arsenic is found widely distributed in nature (approximately 5 × 10 −4 of the Earth's crust). It is one of the 22 known elements ...


Science; General science

A chemical element, symbol Bh, atomic number 107. Bohrium was synthesized and identified in 1981 by using the Universal Linear Accelerator (UNILAC) of the Gesellschaft für ...


Science; General science

A chemical element, symbol Db, atomic number 105. It was synthesized and identified unambiguously in March 1970 at the heavy-ion linear accelerator (HILAC) at the Lawrence ...


Science; General science

A chemical element, symbol Hs, atomic number 108. It was synthesized and identified in 1984 by using the Universal Linear Accelerator (UNILAC) at Darmstadt, West Germany, by the ...


Science; General science

A chemical element, symbol Lr, atomic number 103. Lawrencium, named after E. O. Lawrence, is the eleventh transuranium element; it completes the actinide series of elements.


Science; General science

A chemical element, symbol Na, atomic number 11, and atomic weight 22.9898. Sodium is between lithium and potassium in group I of the periodic table. The element is a soft, ...
