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Science > General science


Science; General science

A framework structure silicate of the feldspathoidal mineral group. It is commonly found as euhedral phenocrysts in K 2 O-rich and SiO 2 -poor volcanic rocks, consistent with its ...

air brake

Science; General science

A friction type of energy-conversion mechanism used to retard, stop, or hold a vehicle or other moving element. The activating force is applied by a difference in air pressure. ...


Science; General science

A fruit, represented commercially by such varieties as Martha, Hyslop, and Transcendent, comprising hybrids between Malus baccata (Siberian crabapple) and M. domestica ...

metal-base fuel

Science; General science

A fuel containing a metal of high heat of combustion as a principal constituent. High propellant performance in either a rocket or an air-breathing engine is obtained when the ...

fuel gas

Science; General science

A fuel in the gaseous state whose potential heat energy can be readily transmitted and distributed through pipes from the point of origin directly to the place of consumption. ...

reciprocating aircraft engine

Science; General science

A fuel-burning internal combustion piston engine specially designed and built for minimum fuel consumption and light weight in proportion to developed shaft power. The rotating ...


Science; General science

A function first introduced in classical thermodynamics to provide a quantitative basis for the common observation that naturally occurring processes have a particular direction. ...
