Home > Industry/Domain > Shipbuilding
The design, construction and maintenance of both commercial and military ships and floating vessels in shipyards or other marine facilities.
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Shipbuilding > Naval architecture 
flat bar
Shipbuilding; Naval architecture
A structural component of simple rectangular shape in section.
ferro cement
Shipbuilding; Naval architecture
A structural material comprising a relatively thin layer of concrete intimately reinforced with steel rods and mesh.
fiber glass
Shipbuilding; Naval architecture
A structural material comprising glass fibers bonded by some form of plastic material. Also spelled fiberglass.
Shipbuilding; Naval architecture
A structural member comprising two flanges separated by a web attached to one edge of each flange.
wide flange
Shipbuilding; Naval architecture
A structural member shaped much like an I beam, but with much wider flanges.
building basin
Shipbuilding; Naval architecture
A structure essentially similar to a graving dock, in which one or more ships or parts of ships may be built at one time; no launching operation is required, the ship being ...
Shipbuilding; Naval architecture
A structure extending out into the water at right angles to the shore.