Home > Industry/Domain > Shipbuilding
The design, construction and maintenance of both commercial and military ships and floating vessels in shipyards or other marine facilities.
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Shipbuilding > Naval architecture 
load line mark
Shipbuilding; Naval architecture
Inscription on the side of a ship showing the maximum draft to which it may be loaded. Commonly called the Plimsoll mark
Shipbuilding; Naval architecture
Intersection of bottom and side. May be rounded or angular as in a chine form hull. The lower parts of holds, tanks and machinery spaces where bilge water may accumulate.
stern frame
Shipbuilding; Naval architecture
Large casting, forging or weldment attached to after end of the keel. Incorporates the rudder gudgeons and in single-screw ships includes the propeller post.
registered tonnage
Shipbuilding; Naval architecture
Legally prescribed measure of a vessel's internal volume in units of 100 cubic feet.
molded lines
Shipbuilding; Naval architecture
Lines defining the geometry of a hull as a surface without thickness; structural members are related to molded lines according to standard practice (unless otherwise shown on ...
hydrostatic curves
Shipbuilding; Naval architecture
Lines drawn on grid paper showing hull form characteristics (such as displacement and block coefficient) at different drafts. Also called curves of form.