Home > Industry/Domain > Shipbuilding
The design, construction and maintenance of both commercial and military ships and floating vessels in shipyards or other marine facilities.
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Shipbuilding > Naval architecture 
shell stringer
Shipbuilding; Naval architecture
A longitudinal web frame fitted to the side shell and, usually, lending support to transverse side frames.
platform deck
Shipbuilding; Naval architecture
A lower deck, usually in the cargo space, which does not contribute to the longitudinal strength of the ship.
Shipbuilding; Naval architecture
A machine, usually steam or electric, used primarily for hoisting and lowering cargo but also for other purposes.
Shipbuilding; Naval architecture
A masonry ship mooring structure usually built along the shore.
dynamic positioning
Shipbuilding; Naval architecture
A means of holding a ship in a relatively fixed position with respect to the ocean floor without using anchors, accomplished by two or more propulsive devices controlled by inputs ...
section modulus
Shipbuilding; Naval architecture
A measure of a beam's ability to resist bending loads without failure.