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Standardization is the process of developing and implementing technical standards.
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Language; Translation
The first of three stages constituting the translation process according to Eugene Nida. In this process, we analyze the source message into its simplest and structurally clearest ...
audiovisual translation
Language; Translation
Translation of any audiovisual medium, such as film, DVD, etc. This typically involves dubbing or subtitling.
Language; Translation
A kind of paraphrase in which surface structures are replaced by other, more basic structures (e.g. event nouns into verbal expressions: wrath > x is angry).
Language; Translation
A word-for-word translation of a target text back into the source language, often retaining the structure of the target text. This can be used to explain the translation process ...
Language; Translation
The use of a source language item in the target language. Typically, these are cultural items such as French baguette or Russian ruble which do not exist in the source language or ...
Language; Translation
Specifications relating to the purpose for which a translation is needed provided by those who commission translations.