Home > Industry/Domain > Supermarkets
Large grocery stores that offer a wide range of food and other simple necessities. They require self-service and that organize items in an asile system.
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Biology; Toxicology
Substance produced by plants or animals, or a synthetic analogue thereof, that evokes a behavioral response in individuals of the producing species or other species (e.g. ...
Biology; Toxicology
Substance that has to be metabolized before it becomes a carcinogen.
poison in toxicology
Biology; Toxicology
Substance that, taken into or formed within the organism, impairs the health of the organism and may kill it.
Biology; Toxicology
Substance used mainly to repel blood sucking insects in order to protect man and animals. Note: This term may also be used for substances used to repel mammals, birds, rodents, ...
standardized morbidity ratio (smr)
Biology; Toxicology
Ratio of the number of deaths observed in the study group or population to the number of deaths that would be expected if the study population had the same specific rates as the ...
toxicity equivalency factor (TEF, f)
Biology; Toxicology
Ratio of the toxicity of a chemical to that of another structurally related chemical (or index compound) chosen as a reference.