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Relating to products that are made from the leaves of plants in the genus Nicotiana, that are used in some medecines but more widely and popularly used as a recreational drug in the form of cigarettes and cigars.
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Tobacco > General tobacco 
Tobacco; General tobacco
Additives used to flavor tobacco. These include flavors like cherry, apple, orange, chocolate, coffee, and whiskey.
ammonia technology
Tobacco; General tobacco
The use of ammonia in tobacco to freebase nicotine, mask and improve flavors. See also Freebase nicotine and Ammonia.
american blends
Tobacco; General tobacco
These blends have the following components: Virginia, Burley and Oriental in variable proportions to which a "sauce" consisting of humidifying and sugar elements is added. These ...
Tobacco; General tobacco
Tobaccos that are dried naturally, sheltered from sunlight. This drying is carried out on the whole plant or as individual leaves reach maturity. There are generally five crops in ...
Tobacco; General tobacco
A neurotransmitter, or chemical in the brain that carries information between nerve cells.

- Cigarettes (35)
- Cigars (36)
- General tobacco (5582)
- Loose tobacco (0)
- Pipes (38)
- Smoking equipment (46)