Home > Industry/Domain > Tobacco
Relating to products that are made from the leaves of plants in the genus Nicotiana, that are used in some medecines but more widely and popularly used as a recreational drug in the form of cigarettes and cigars.
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Tobacco > General tobacco 
scotch snuff
Tobacco; General tobacco
A form of dry snuff, traditionally used in the USA, that is either administered orally or nasally. The product typically contains fermented fire-cured tobacco and has a moisture ...
Tobacco; General tobacco
One of three basic types of filler tobacco. The name means "dry" in Spanish.
Tobacco; General tobacco
A period of being quit, i.e. Stopping the use of cigarettes or other tobacco products. May be defined in various ways; see also: point prevalence abstinence; prolonged abstinence; ...
Tobacco; General tobacco
Normally associated with the great smoking country of America. Daniel Boone was said to have smoked a "Missouri Meerschaum. " As the name suggests the corncob pipe is made from a ...
continuous abstinence
Tobacco; General tobacco
Also called 'sustained abstinence'; cf 'prolonged abstinence' -- a measure of cessation often used in clinical trials involving avoidance of all tobacco use since the quit day ...

- Cigarettes (35)
- Cigars (36)
- General tobacco (5582)
- Loose tobacco (0)
- Pipes (38)
- Smoking equipment (46)