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Of or pertaining to the increase in ability or education in a certain skill, knowledge, or subject.
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phylum placozoa
Zoology; Zoological terms
Macroscopic, flattened marine animals, composed of ventral and dorsal epithelial layers enclosing loose mesenchyme-like cells.
phylum cnidaria
Zoology; Zoological terms
Cnidarians. Hydras, hydroids, jellyfish, sea anemones, and corals. Free-swimming or sessile, with tentacles surrounding the mouth. Specialized cells bearing stinging oraganoids ...
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Accounting; Auditing
Share a term with millions of users around the world and increase your online visibility.Share a term with millions of users around the world and increase your online ...
Plants; General plants
Genus of about 20 species of usually rhizomatous, evergreen perennials from tropical forest in Asia. The leaf blades are borbe on long, sheathing leaf stalks from a central ...

Science; General science
Robojelly is a hydrogen-powered robot desgined in the United States that moves through the water like a jellyfish. The robot is made of artificial muscles that when contracted, ...