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Water bodies

Referring to any significant accumulation of water usually on planet earth but also on other planetary bodies.

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Water bodies > Rivers

base level

Water bodies; Rivers

For a river or stream is the lowest point to which it can flow, often referred to as the 'mouth' of the river. For large rivers, sea level is usually the base level, but a large ...


Water bodies; Rivers

In geology, refers to the lowering of a fluvial surface, such as a stream bed or floodplain, through erosional processes. It is the opposite of aggradation. Degradation is ...


Water bodies; Rivers

Aggradation occurs in areas in which the supply of sediment is greater than the amount of material that the system is able to transport. The mass balance between sediment being ...

lower plane bed

Water bodies; Rivers

In geology, it refers to the configuration of the bed of a river that is flat and characterized by low rates of sediment transport.

ripple marks

Water bodies; Rivers

In geology, ripple marks are sedimentary structures (i.e. Bedforms of the lower flow regime) and indicate agitation by water (current or waves) or wind.


Water bodies; Rivers

This is a ship built boat designed for inland navigation on lakes rivers, and artificial waterways.


Water bodies; Rivers

This river is an elevated region of sand or gravel that has been deposited by the flow. Types of bars include mid-channel bars (also called braid bars, and common in braided ...
