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Of or pertaining to the state of the atmosphere and/or the science of monitoring, measuring and interpreting meteorological changes.

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Weather > Meteorology

longitudinal wave

Weather; Meteorology

An irrotational plane wave A parallel to the propagation direction in the sense that if A = A0exp(ik • x − iωt), where k is the wave vector, then k × A = 0. An example is ...


Weather; Meteorology

A device that produces a narrow beam of electromagnetic energy by recirculating an internal beam many times through an amplifying medium, each time adding a small amount of energy ...

low-level jet stream

Weather; Meteorology

A jet stream that is typically found in the lower 2–3 km of the troposphere. At night, sometimes called a nocturnal jet. Examples are the African jet and the Somali jet.


Weather; Meteorology

A violent northeast wind of Central Asia occurring during spring and summer. It resembles the white buran of winter but, instead of snow, it carries clouds of dust that darken the ...

light amplification by stimulated emission of radi

Weather; Meteorology

A device that produces a narrow beam of electromagnetic energy by recirculating an internal beam many times through an amplifying medium, each time adding a small amount of energy ...

lookup table (LUT)

Weather; Meteorology

A mapping of an integer value to another integer value. This is used in displaying images and represents a mapping of the pixel value in the image or picture to the value shown on ...

limit of convection (LOC)

Weather; Meteorology

The level of neutral buoyancy for a saturated rising air parcel. If a cloudy air parcel is rising under its own buoyancy, then the parcel can rise to the altitude where the ...