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Of or pertaining to the state of the atmosphere and/or the science of monitoring, measuring and interpreting meteorological changes.

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Weather > Meteorology

moving fetch

Weather; Meteorology

The resultant fetch (ocean area where waves are generated by a wind having a constant direction and speed) if a wind field is moving together with a wave field.

movable-scale barometer

Weather; Meteorology

A mercury barometer of the fixed cistern type in which a movable scale terminating in an ivory point is used to compensate for the variations in height of the mercury in the ...

mountain-wave cloud

Weather; Meteorology

A cloud that forms in the rising branches of mountain waves and occupies the crests of the waves. The most distinctive are the sharp-edged, lens-, or almond-shaped lenticular ...

mountain-gap wind

Weather; Meteorology

A local wind blowing through a gap between mountains, a gap wind. This term was introduced by R. S. Scorer (1952) for the surface winds blowing through the Strait of Gibraltar. ...

mountain wind

Weather; Meteorology

A nocturnal, thermally forced wind from the direction of the mountains, generated by cooling along the mountain slopes; a downvalley wind, or the nighttime downslope (katabatic) ...

mountain wave

Weather; Meteorology

An atmospheric gravity wave, formed when stable air flow passes over a mountain or mountain barrier. Mountain waves are often standing or nearly so, at least to the extent that ...

mountain torque

Weather; Meteorology

The torque about a given axis exerted on or by the earth's surface due to the force associated with a difference of pressure on two sides of a mountain. For example, if the axis ...