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The scientific study of the animal kingdom, including extinct and possibly mythical beings.

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Zoology > Zoological terms


Zoology; Zoological terms

Referring to a population, the number of individuals per unit area or volume; referring to a substance, the weight per unit volume.

density compensation

Zoology; Zoological terms

Increase in population size in response to reduction in the nubmer of competing populations; often observed on islands.

density dependent

Zoology; Zoological terms

Having influence on individuals in a population that varies with the degree of crowding within the population.

density independent

Zoology; Zoological terms

Having influence on individuals in a population that does not vary with the degree of crowding.

Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA)

Zoology; Zoological terms

A nucleic acid found in most viruses, all bacteria, chloroplasts, mitochondria, and the nuclei of eucaryotic cells, characterized by the presence of a deoyribose sugar in each ...

descent with modification

Zoology; Zoological terms

Descent with modification refers to the passing on of traits from parent organisms to their offspring.

Destruction or Adverse Modification of Critical Habitat

Zoology; Zoological terms

A direct or indirect alteration that appreciably diminishes the value of critical habitat for both the survival and recovery of a listed species.