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The scientific study of the animal kingdom, including extinct and possibly mythical beings.

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Zoology > Zoological terms

activity space

Zoology; Zoological terms

The range or spectrum of environmental conditions and characteristics suitable for the normal activity of an organism.


Zoology; Zoological terms

A genetically controlled characteristic of an organism that enhances its fitness by helping the organism to survive and reproduce. Through adaptation, organisms may become better ...

adaptive function

Zoology; Zoological terms

A mathematical expression that takes into account the fitnesses of a phenotype in each of several different environments to produce a measurement of the general fitness of the ...

adaptive radiation

Zoology; Zoological terms

A type of evolutionary change in which a number of new forms develop from a single original form in response to the availability of new habitats.

aerial behavior

Zoology; Zoological terms

A type of behavior exhibited by dolphins and whales in which the animal comes out above the surface of the water (for example, leaps, jumps, or bow rides). Such actions are ...


Zoology; Zoological terms

A double feather that grows from the shaft of a body feather. An after-shaft is important in maintaining warmth and is known to occur in grouse, quail, and relatives.

age class

Zoology; Zoological terms

The set of individuals in a population that are all of a particular age or fall within a specfied age group.