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The scientific study of the animal kingdom, including extinct and possibly mythical beings.

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Zoology > Zoological terms


Zoology; Zoological terms

A foraging technique in which a bird thrusts its bill into the soil and forcibly opens the bill, creating an opening.

gene flow

Zoology; Zoological terms

Exchange of genetic traits between populations by movement of individuals, gametes, or spores.

gene frequency

Zoology; Zoological terms

The proportion of a particular allele of a gene in the gene pool of a population.


Zoology; Zoological terms

Generally, a unit of genetic inheritance. In biochemistry, gene refers to the part of the DNA molecule that encodes a single enzyme or structural protein.


Zoology; Zoological terms

A species with broad food or habitat preferences.

generation time

Zoology; Zoological terms

Average age at which a female gives birth to her offspring, or the average time for a population to increase by a factor equal to the net reproductive rate.

genetic drift

Zoology; Zoological terms

Change in allele frequency due to random variations in fecundity and mortality in a population.