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The scientific study of the animal kingdom, including extinct and possibly mythical beings.

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Zoology > Zoological terms


Zoology; Zoological terms

A waxy or fatty non-cellular, waterproof outer layer on epidermal cells in plants and some invertebrates. In parasitic flatworms: prevents worm from being digested in the gut of ...

ecto derm

Zoology; Zoological terms

The outermost of the three germ layers of the early embryo; gives rise to epidermis of the skin and nervous system ( gastroneural-tube in protostomia; notoneural-tube in ...

endo derm

Zoology; Zoological terms

The innermost of the three germ layers of the early embryo, lining the archenteron; forms the epithelial cells of the digestive tract and its outgrowths the liver, lungs and ...

meso derm

Zoology; Zoological terms

The middle layer of the three primary germ layers of the embryo, lying between the ecto-, and endoderm; gives rise to muscles, connective tissue, blood, kidney and the dermis of ...

epi dermis

Zoology; Zoological terms

(Gk. epi, upon; desma, skin) The outermost layer of cells of an organism (integument); consisting of a single layer of epithelial cells.

gastro dermis

Zoology; Zoological terms

Ephithelial tissue lining the gut cavity; in cnidarians does digestion and absorption


Zoology; Zoological terms

A longitudinal groove in the floor of the pharynx of certain protochordates and larval cyclostomes; its glandular and ciliated cells secrete mucus that is moved by ciliated cells ...